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Amazon Best Seller:

#1 New Release:

- Business Health

- Consciousness & Thought Philosophy

- Step-Parenting & Blended Families

- Mid-Life Management

- Young Adult Emotions & Feelings

Endorsed by Dr. Lem Burnham, PhD, assistant chair of Behavioral Science and Psychology; Dr. Clint G. Rogers, author and university researcher; Weldon Long, NYT Bestselling Author; Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels; Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

The 5C Solution is a powerful guide to find your pathway to healing through self-acceptance and self-love. It is authentic, original, and realistic. Self-acceptance is knowing the truth about yourself and is a necessary first step towards self-improvement. Hence, the power of Cindy’s 5C Solution is undeniable.
— Dr. Lem Burham
I’m so glad you wrote your process down so it can reach the masses. It literally saved my life.
— J. Roberts

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Grief is powerful. Yet, as we grieve, we are often at a loss for how to get through our grief and still live.

I developed this book after losing over 30 loved ones. Moving Past is an effective guidebook to help you through the grieving process. It does not pretend to know your grief or how you are feeling. Instead, each passage seeks to ease you through the moment by providing a wise quote, thoughts to ponder, an action step, and a place to journal.

Reading a page each day can assist in formulating a new life strategy by keeping our loved ones with us always as we make our way through a personal loss.

This wonderful book shows you how to develop the internal strength you need to move forward with your life.
— Brian Tracy, Author of Live a Wonderful Life

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Why a Workbook?

To make it easier for you to work through the 5Cs exercises, Cindy has provided the following pages so you can take your plan with you and share.

The 5C Solution Workbook

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It is time for you to get Clear:

Register for Cindy Cipriani’s Online Course featuring her trademarked 5C Solution.

This independent study program includes 7 Modules, Supporting Worksheets as well as access to the Clear Path by Cindy community.

Clarity. Commitment. Challenges. Create. Celebrate.