Now that you have gotten Clarity on Who you are, who you WANT to be and WHAT you want, you are probably battling your negative inner voice. Just writing down a goal is an opening for this voice to start listing all the reasons it will never happen. So, what is the next step in defeating this “Frenemy”? (Read my last blog post for Step 1)
Second, you need to disassociate yourself from your negative inner voice. How? Name it. Years ago, I was struggling with self-loathing. After being in a verbally, emotionally and physically abusive relationship for nearly twenty years, I was broken. So broken that my inner voice was convinced that everyone would be better off if I was not longer alive. After attempting suicide twice, I had a moment of clarity where I became angry at my inner voice and decided to divorce it as well as my spouse.
I took some time to find my foundation, but this voice would constantly prick at me, so I called it “Mr. Prickly”. Every time Mr. Prickly would start his negative rhetoric, I would close my eyes and imagine turning down his volume until I couldn’t hear him. I would talk back using my renewed knowledge of who I am, who I wanted to be and what I wanted to give him reasons why I could accomplish my goals. Doing this over and over built my self-esteem so that I could take the action required to walk down the path of a new life.
These two steps are vital to your PGS – Personal Guidance System. For the past seven years, this system has helped hundreds of people turn their life from confusion and depression, to clarity and happiness. The key is learning
The 5C Solution – a simple memory tool which quickly walks you through any challenge or decision by reminding you of your foundational beliefs. People from 5 to 75 have learned it and discovered a level of self empowerment that they never had before.
Yes, life changes. We move, graduate, change jobs, find and lose relationships, become parents, become caregivers to our parents, lose loved ones, suffer with sickness, fight addictions, etc. However, I am positive that these changes can be easier when you have a formula that creates your emotional foundation. After all, you are the only you that will ever exist. You deserve all the desires of your real self! Don’t wait another minute, call me today and make an appointment to learn The 5C Solution! I’m waiting!!!