Many years ago, while standing in the middle of a psychiatric ward on Thanksgiving morning, I had a moment of CLARITY. I had suffered a nervous breakdown, been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse, and had just survived a suicide attempt. Then and there I COMMITTED to God and myself that I was going to climb out of this pit of despair and when I was strong enough I would make sure that no one ever felt as low and alone as I did at that moment.
I knew the CHALLENGES ahead of me seemed insurmountable – I was going through a divorce, unemployed, had two young teens, was battling medical issues and had been shunned by my religion, family and friends. But my anguish turned to anger, which transformed into strength as I vowed not to waste another day. I CREATED a Clear Path to follow, one step at a time, and decided to start CELEBRATING all the little moments that made life worth living. Like watching my kids laugh, hugging my dog, eating a chocolate covered cherry and singing loudly in the car! Also losing 28 Loved Ones has given me a unique perspective on the emotional effects of grief. Each one of these special people have inspired me, given me countless wonderful memories, and filled my heart with love. I only tell you this portion of my story to encourage you that no matter what today is like, you are not alone! This is also why I became a Certified Grief Recovery Coach so that I have a proven process that moves people out of grief from loss, addiction and life changes and into a fulfilling new journey.
“Cindy worked with me through her program with intellect, compassion, empathy, humor and professionalism. I highly recommend Cindy Cipriani to anyone who is in need of help recovering from grief. - Carol ”